What is Inner Work Through Yoga?

Yoga is a comprehensive system of practices that enable individual transformation at all levels, viz., body, breath and mind. Unfortunately, yoga has been reduced to be associated with a set of postures (āsanās) and breathing (prānāyāma) techniques.

Antaranga Yoga (Inner Work Through Yoga) is the process of delving into the deeper recesses of psyche through asana-pranayama practices, contemplative dialogues and reflective art.

I have been a student of Antaranga Yoga from my teacher Sri Raghu Ananthanarayanan, a disciple of Sri T Krishnamacharya (known as the father of modern yoga). My learnings with my teacher and the Ritambhara Sangha has enabled me discovering a new inner ground for myself and helped me commit to be the best that I can be.

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I intend to share the gifts that I have received from my journeys into my inner world as well as the insights that I have got during the numerous contemplative dialogues that I continue to have with individuals and organisations in their journeys to be the best that they can be.

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Vignettes from explorations in Inner Work Through Yoga.